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Scottsville, Virginia
"While our eyes are on the prize of Heaven, our feet are planted here on earth." We are determined to do ministry that matters for eternity.
Our Pastor
Our Pastor came to a Revival Service at our Church back in 1993. Evangelist Bill Pitsenbarger was preaching about David and Goliath. It was there that He heard for the very first time that God loved him, Christ died for him and there was a way to Heaven. That night he trusted Christ as his Saviour, a few months later his wife would also commit her life to following Jesus. Just a short time later they lost their second child at only 3 months old, God used this time to work in their hearts and they felt the call to follow Him in full-time Christian service. They went on to attend Ambassador Baptist College to study for the ministry and when he graduated, they followed God's leading back to our Church here where they have faithfully served for over twenty years.

our church
Jr and Paula Wyant are two of our original charter members, they have been faithful members of our church from the beginning. Jr still serves as Head Usher, Trustee and Head of Maintenance. His wife, Paula, teaches a Sunday School class.
We are blessed by a wide range of Church members--from our senior members to our young, growing families. Everyone has a place at Calvary and there are many opportunities to serve.
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