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Children & Youth

Few things are more important than raising up your children to know and follow the Lord. We have several classes available for your little ones, so your children can learn the Bible on their level. Though Pastor is also very open to parents who want to keep their children with them for services as well. We want Parents and children to feel at home here at Calvary.  


Local Radio can be a wonderful way to reach our surrounding communities with uplifting music and Biblical preaching. 93.5 FM does just that every day. We have been participating in this radio ministry for well over a decade. 


We believe the

Great Commission has never been more applicable and necessary 
than it is today. Our World desperately needs the Hope that Jesus alone can offer. 
We have the privilege of supporting Missionaries all over the World thanks to Faith Promise giving. 

Community Outreach

One of our yearly means of reaching out to our local community is participating in our town's Independence Day parade. We take the opportunity to distribute thousands of Gospel Tracts, Popsicles and VBS invitations.

Vacation Bible School

Every Summer we enjoy hosting a week-long kid's Camp from 6:00p.m.-8:oop.m. Monday through Friday. Here children can learn about God's Promises and His love for them. They can participate in fun games, themed crafts, singing, a penny offering competition for the missionary of the week and snacks. We always wrap up our week with a family fun night on Friday evening. 


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